We will be generating your character's stats using the Standard Array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
Anyone who opts to generate their stats with dice rolls will get a magic item for their character. Dice rolls must be made at Session 0.
Any player who opts for a completely random charatcter - race, background, class and stats - gets to start at level 2.
Want to know what these numbers mean? Click here
Please see this document for what I allow. I also acknowledge that picking a race can cause decision paralysis for new players. If you feel like you're experiencing that, stick to the Common Races on the linked doc eliminate from there. Don't want to have a beard? You're not a Dwarf. Don't want to be a little weird guy? Gnome is out. Humans too boring? Don't be a human! All official 5e classes allowed. Do not ask me about any homebrew classes. D&D has a set of abilities called Feats. They are special powers that can greatly improve options available to your character. I am allowing every player to take a feat at level 1 except the Lucky feat. Any other feat you meet the pre-reqs for, it's all yours. You may trade-in that feat for an additional point towards an ability score lower than 14. Otherwise, feats can be obtained by skipping an ability score increase (ASI) at certain levels or from exceptional & highly specific roleplaying. If you take a look at the available feats and don't feel like there's one that fits the flavor you want for your character, let me know. I can cook something up. Feel free to write a backstory for your character. Do not write more than 1 page (I would gladly read it all, but when backstories get too long people get too precious with their characters.) Select a background option from this document, starting on page 3. Please reach out to me if you want to talk through your thoughts on your character. Seriously. I love talking about this stuff with players.Player Character Races